Personality Quizzes

I took, my result to the “what musical instrument are you?” quiz was the xylophone! it says “People are drawn to your good vibes. You are far from phony, and always chime in with a good joke or wise advice. You resemble a xylophone. Possibly originating in or near Southeast Asia, the xylophone creates easy-on-the-ears sounds. It’s a unique instrument with many fans—just like you!” which seems to describe me pretty well.

Second I took, And it said “First dished up around 1744, strawberry was one of the first kinds of ice cream ever made. Like this fruity flavor, you’re a pioneer. You’re always up for trying new things. Friends enjoy your adventurous spirit, and look to you to learn about the latest trends.” I think this describes me perfectly!



The last one I took was, And it says “People are just drawn to you. With your great sense of humor and up-for-anything attitude, everyone wants to be in your orbit. Jupiter has the strongest pull of any planet in the Milky Way, with a magnetic field ten times stronger than that of Earth.” and I got jupiter as the planet I should call home! And i’m flattered by the results and i think they fit just right!

Astronomers Capture Stunning New Images of Jupiter | Astronomy |



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